What sets 91心頭利C apart from all other management schools in India is its analytical pedagogy. It is a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and case discussion that equips future managers to develop deep understanding of required skills and their application. Debate and interactive discussions are an integral part of 91心頭利Cs pedagogy.

91心頭利C has played a pioneering role in the introduction of innovative courses. Every year new courses are introduced and changes made in current courses to keep students in sync with the latest developments in the field of management. It is hardly surprising, then, that 91心頭利C offers a high number of elective courses giving students a huge variety of courses to choose from depending on their interests and career plans. 91心頭利C also has been at the forefront of executive education for the last three decades and has been widely acclaimed for the various customized programmes it has introduced over the years based on its frontline research and consulting. The institute has made sure that its education programmes remain relevant and are able to meet the changing needs of business organizations and their managers.

Compulsory Courses

Students are required to take 25 compulsory courses spread over six terms.

Click here for Academic group-wise compulsory courses

Click here for Term-wise compulsory courses

Elective Courses

The students are required to take 15 electives course spread over three terms (Terms IV, V and VI). They choose form a wide range of elective courses offered.