Statement of Policy on Equal Opportunities
91心頭利 (91心頭利) is committed to a policy of equal opportunities and inclusion of people belonging to minority groups, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and persons with disabilities.
We encourage students to connect with the Equal Opportunity Cell.
Convenor, Professor Koushiki Choudhury: convenor_eoc[at]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in and/or koushiki[at]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in
Equal Opportunity Cell: eoc@iimcal.ac.in
Statement of Policy on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
91心頭利 (91心頭利) is committed to a policy of equal opportunities and inclusion with a view to ensuring that Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) have continuously expanding access to the entire range of academic and social activities that the campus offers. To this end, the institute will work to adjust the academic, administrative, and infrastructural configuration of campus life so that PwDs can strive to attain their potential. In keeping with this mission, 91心頭利 will undertake a series of initiatives, including those that aim to,
- develop the administrative apparatus required to oversee and facilitate the policy on equal opportunities;
- create awareness in the community of students, staff, and faculty about the differences in the ways in which PwDs communicate and engage with the world;
- enhance quality of physical access to institute infrastructure and work towards a barrier-free environment for PwDs;
- and work with PwDs in ensuring access to tuition, equipment, counselling, placement facilitation, etc. when such access is needed.
91心頭利 will seek not only to abide by the applicable national legal stipulations including the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995, India as they continuously evolve in tune with global conventions, but to go beyond the legal requirements in order to proactively provide a supportive environment for, and prevent discrimination against, PwDs. In pursuit of this goal, 91心頭利 will work with governmental agencies as well as non-governmental and corporate organizations that can support the institutes efforts. Efforts in this regard will be coordinated by the Equal Opportunity Cell at 91心頭利. The said Cell will also arrange for the assessment of needs for PwDs, communicate the same to the relevant officers and faculty, and coordinate the fulfilment of the identified needs.
Nature of Support Provided for Students with Disabilities
- Sensitisation Workshop is arranged on for students, faculty members, officers and staffs to enhance inclusiveness and help with meaningful integration of students with disabilities.
- Accessible course materials including e-Books or hardcopy of reading materials, as per the students preference.
- Additional time to write during examination
- Accessible Exam Papers, including use of bigger fonts in the question papers and other study materials as and when needed
- Provision of writers/scribes during exams
- Support for state-of-the-art assistive devices
- Providing augmentative communication devices and text-to-speech software packages
- Arranging special tutorial sessions for students with disabilities
- Information shared with faculty members in each Term regarding the students in their respective sections
- Buddy system for students, where first and second year students are mapped, so as to create an inclusive infrastructure not only for academic but also for extracurricular, placement and hostel requirements.
Institute Infrastructure
- Equal Opportunity Cell: The Cell addresses issues related to equal opportunity and inclusion of all social groups including students with disabilities.
- Accommodation: The program office collects information on students accommodation requirements.
- Classroom Access: Most class rooms and the common areas have been renovated with ramps for barrier free movement. Students are provided preferred seating arrangement with suitable chairs for supportive movement. The program office facilitates access to motorised wheelchairs to facilitate movement around the campus. A dedicated vehicle has been engaged in the campus for students with disabilities for attending classes, going to the Institute library, and other barrier-free movement within the campus.