Umang Varshney

Umang Varshney


Assistant Professor Grade II
Academic Group: Operations Management


Phone No.: 033-24678300-2103
Email ID.:


Contact Details:

Room: M102, NAB Building; Extension: 2103


Academic Background:

PhD (Operation Management and Quantitative Techniques); Indian Institute of Management (91心頭利) Indore, M.P.

B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering); HBTU Kanpur, U.P.


Work Experience:

June 2024 September 2024

Assistant Professor, T A Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal, India

(ACCSB and AMBA accredited)

June 2018 June 2019

Engine Calibration (T) Engineer, AVL Technical (R&D) Center, Gurgaon, Haryana


Journal Publications:

Varshney, U., Karamchandani, A., Kundu, T., & Kapoor, R. (2024). Profit or prestige? Strategies for luxury brands to navigate the second-hand market using blockchain technology. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 191, 103726.


POMS2023 International Conference- Paris, France, Combating Luxury Counterfeits with Blockchain Solution

SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference 2023- Wageninigen University, Netherlands, Are blockchain sustainability solutions profitable?

POMS India International Conference 2022- 91心頭利K, Does the firm benefit from blockchain implementation?

SOM 2022: 25th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, Can blockchain save luxury brands from counterfeits?

IMT & POMS India chapter- ICESCO (2022), Determining firms growth leading dimension of blockchain empowered Information Management System

43rd ISMS Marketing Science Conference (2021), Last-mile Delivery Cost Is Bleeding E-commerce Firms.

Research Interests:

Supply chain management, Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Game Theory, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)