Priya Seetharaman

Priya Seetharaman
Academic Group: Management Information Systems
Phone No.: +91-33-71212101
Email ID.: priyas
Contact Details:
Diamond Harbour Road, Joka Kolkata - 700104, West Bengal, India
Academic Background:
Fellow in Management - Doctoral Programme of 91心頭利
M.Com (University of Madras)
B.A. Corporate Secretaryship Ethiraj College (University of Madras)
Courses Taught:
- Foundations of Information Systems (Doctoral Level Course, co-taught with Prof. Abhipsa Pal)
- Seminar on Information Systems Research (Doctoral Level Course)
- High-Tech Product Management (MBA-level course co-taught with )
- Contemporary Digital Debates (MBA-Level course)
Consulting Interests:
Digital Strategy, IT Governance, e-Governance, Healthcare IT Technology Adoption Impact of Technology
Current Projects:
Research Projects: * Planning Smart Cities to Promote Civic Engagement and Stakeholder Participation (Externally Funded Project) * Information Technology Use Maturity (internally funded) * Public Health in West Bengal: Systems and Processes (internally funded)
Past Projects:
Information Technology Governance Practices in India (internally funded research project)
Work Experience:
Professor, MIS Group, 91心頭利 (Since July 2021)
Associate Professor, MIS Group, 91心頭利 (April 2013 to July 2021)
Assistant Professor, MIS Group, 91心頭利 (April 2009 to March 2013)
Full Time Visiting Assistant Professor, MIS Group, 91心頭利 (May 2006 to March 2009)
Journal Publications:
- Seetharaman, P., Mathew, S. K., and De', R. (2024) "Does location matter in IS research? A developing country perspective from India", Information Systems Journal, (forthcoming). Available at
- Bhatt, E, and Seetharaman, P., (2023) "Rethinking Digital Nudging: A Taxonomical Approach to Defining and Identifying Characteristics of Digital Nudging Interventions", AIS Transaction on Human-Computer Interaction, 15(4), pp. 442-471. Available at
- Chakravarty, S., Bin Mansoor, M. S., Kumar, B., & Seetharaman, P. (2023). Challenges of consultant-led planning in Indias smart cities mission. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 50(5), pp. 1375-1393. Available at
- Dutta, A., Roy, R., and Seetharaman, P. (2022). An Assimilation Maturity Model for IT Governance and Auditing, Information & Management, 59(1). Available at
- Pankaj, L. and Seetharaman, P. (2021) "The Balancing Act of Social Enterprise: An IT Emergence Perspective", International Journal of Information Management, 57. Available at
- Banerjee, S. and Seetharaman, P. (2022). "How attractive is a locale to e-tailers? Introducing a regional e-tailing adoption model for India", 91心頭利B Management Review, 34(2), pp. 116-129. Available at
- Elangovan, P., Seshadri, S. and Seetharaman, P. (2021) "6B Model for Business-Aligned Digital Transformation", IT Professional [a practitioner journal], 23(5), pp. 17-22. Available at
- Seetharaman, P., (2020). "Business Models Shifts: Impact of Covid-19", International Journal of Information Management, 54. Available at
- Seetharaman, P., Mathew, S.K., Sein, M.K. and Tallamraju, R. B. (2020) "Being (more) Human in a Digitized World" (Guest Editorial), Information Systems Frontiers. Available at
- Mithas, S., Murugesan, S. and Seetharaman, P. (2020). "What is Your Artificial Intelligence Strategy?", IT Professional [a practitioner journal], 22 (2), pp. 4-9. Available at
- Seetharaman, P. and Bhatt, E. (2020) "Online peer victimization" (Guest Editorial), Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 21(3-4), pp. 115-123. Available at
- Nandy, M. and Seetharaman, P. (2019) "Inter-Organizational Processes in Buyer-Supplier Dyads: An Information Intensity Perspective", Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 29(2), pp. 96-114. Available at
- Seetharaman, P., Cunha, M. A., and Effah, J., (2019). "IT for the informal sector in developing countries: A broader perspective" (Guest Editorial). The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 85(3). Available at
- Dutta, A., Puvvala, A., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P. (2017) "Technology Diffusion: Shift Happens The Case of iOS and Android Handsets", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 118, pp. 28-43. Available at:
- Anand, A., Seetharaman, P. and Vaidya, S.D. (2016) "Role of project owner in e-government project sustainability", Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 18 (4), pp. 200-219. Available at
- Seetharaman, P., (2013) "Cheeni : A Case of Inside-Out Innovation Approach to IT Applications", Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 15 (1), pp. 19-36. Available at
- Dutta, A., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P., (2013) "Course management system adoption and usage: A process theoretic perspective", Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), pp. 2535 - 2545. Available at
- Ingawale, M., Dutta, A., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P. (2013). "Network Analysis of User Generated Content Quality in Wikipedia", Online Information Review, 37(4), pp. 602-619. Available at
- Seetharaman, P. and Sajjad, A.A., (2012), "Ashok Leyland: IT in Transition", Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 14(3), pp. 57-73. Available at
- Vaidya, S.D. and Seetharaman, P. (2011). "Explaining Sophistication in Collaborative Technology Use: A Context-Technology Fit Perspective", Group Decision and Negotiation, 20(2), pp. 185-213. Available at
- Vaidya S.D. and Seetharaman, P., (2007). "Sources of Unstructuredness in Decision Situations: Towards a framework for DSS Development" in Decision Support for Global Enterprises, Annals of Information Systems Series, Springer, Available at
- Paul, S., Samarah, I., Seetharaman, P. and Mykytyn, P.P. (2005). "An Empirical Investigation of Collaborative Conflict Management Style in Group Support System-Based Global Virtual Teams", Journal of MIS, 21(3), pp. 185-222. Available at
- Paul, S., Seetharaman, P., Samarah, I. and Mykytyn, P.P. (2004). "Impact of Heterogeneity and Collaborative Conflict Management Style on the Performance of Synchronous Global Virtual Teams". Information & Management, 41 (3), pp. 303-321. Available at
- Seetharaman, P., Cranefield, J. and Chakravarty, S., Making Indian Cities Smart: Framing Incongruencies and Reconciliation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2019, Available at
- Seetharaman, P. and Pant, A. Citizen's Gain? Institutional Logics and the Making of Indias Aadhaar Identity Project, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2018, Available at
- Pinjala, S., Seetharaman, P. and Roy, R. Impact of Cloud on Firm Evolution: A Causal Model of a Latecomer ERP Firm in an Emerging Economy, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2017, available at
- Seetharaman, P. "Technology Governance Challenges in E-Government Projects: Health Information Systems in India", Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2017), 2017.
- Banerjee, S., and Seetharaman, P. "Regional Disparity in E-Tailing Adoption: An Empirical Analysis from Districts of India", in the proceedings of the pre-ICIS DIGIT workshop, 2016
- Puvvala, A., Dutta, A., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P. "Mobile Application Developers Platform Choice Model", in the Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016.
- Pinjala, S., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P. "Firm Growth and Innovation in the ERP Industry: A Systems Thinking Approach, in the Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2015.
- Seetharaman, P. Structure and Process in IT Decision Making: the Balancing Act, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, 2015
- Dutta, A., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P. Wielding buyer power: Agri-supply chain in India, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, 2015
- Dutta, A., Krishnan, D., Ramanathan, S., Roy, R., Seetharaman, P., Mohan, R.V. EMR Adoption: A User Perception Study, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015.
- Agarwal, S., Seetharaman, P., Understanding Game Modding through Phases of Mod Development, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2015 held at Barcelona, Spain
- Seetharaman, P., Decision Channeling and Adaptive Decision Support Systems: A Theoretical Debate to appear in the Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) to be held at San Francisco, Nov 17 20, 2012.
- Dutta, A., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P., System Dynamics Modelling of ICT Diffusion, in the Proceedings of the 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems held at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, July 11-15, 2012.
- Seetharaman, P, Inside-Out Innovation Approach to IT Applications: A Case from India, to appear in the Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI) to be held at 聴stanbul, Turkey from June 24-27, 2012.
- Dutta, A., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P., Drivers of Knowledge Contribution in Open Fora: Findings from Wikipedians, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), held at Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2010
- Chattopadhyay, R. and Seetharaman, P. Process Reengineering in Governments Institutions: Walking a Tightrope Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference for Public Administration to be held at Chengdu, China (ICPA, 2009)
- Ingawale, M., Dutta, A., Roy R. and Seetharaman, P. The Small Worlds of Wikipedia: Implications for Growth, Quality and Sustainability of Collaborative Knowledge Networks in the Proceedings of the Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), held at San Francisco, California, USA, August 6-9, 2009.
- Ingawale, M., Roy R. and Seetharaman, P. Persistence of Cultural Norms in Online Communities: The Curious Case of WikiLove in the Proceedings of Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), held at Hyderabad, India, July 10-12, 2009.
- Nagaraj, A., Dutta, A., Roy R. and Seetharaman, P. Do Wikipages Have Parents? - An article-level inquiry into Wikipedias in the Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), held at Phoenix, Arizona, USA, December 14-15, 2009
- Vaidya, S.D. and Seetharaman, P., Degree of Virtuality: A Theoretical Framework of Factors influencing Technology Use by Virtual Teams Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems held at Christchurch, New Zealand (ACIS 2008)
- Dutta, A., Roy, R. and Seetharaman, P., Wikipedia Usage Patterns: The Dynamics Of Growth Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems held at Paris, France. (ICIS 2008).
- Seetharaman, P., Vaidya, S.D. and Jha, V., Group Imperatives for Collaborative Technology Use Proceedings of the second International Symposium of Information Systems 2007 held at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. (ISIS 2007).
- Vaidya, S.D. and Seetharaman, P. Management Mechanisms for Collaborative Technology Adoption and Use Proceedings of the second International Symposium of Information Systems, 2007 held at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. (ISIS 2007).
- Vaidya S.D. and Seetharaman, P., Sources of Unstructuredness in Decision Situations: Towards a framework for DSS Development Proceedings of the International Conference on Decision Support Systems, held at Kolkata, India, 2007
- Vaidya S.D. and Seetharaman, P., Collaborative Technology Use in Organizations: A Typology in the Proceedings of the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2005 to be held at Nebraska, Omaha, 11-14 Aug, 2005
- Paul, S., Seetharaman, P., Samarah, I. and Mykytyn, P.P., Understanding Conflict in Virtual Teams: An Experimental Investigation using Content Analysis in the Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2005, 5-8 Jan 2005.
- Paul, S. and Seetharaman, P., Cultural Diversity, Conflict and Team Facilitation in Global Virtual Teams a research model in the Proceedings of the 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New York, August 2004.
- Paul, S. and Seetharaman, P., Samarah, I. and Mykytyn, P.P., Conflict in GSS-based Virtual Teams: Findings from an Experiment, in the Proceedings of the 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New York, August 2004.
- Paul, S., Seetharaman, P., and Ramamurthy, K, User Satisfaction with System, Decision Process, and Outcome in GDSS Based Meeting: An experimental Investigation in the Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2004, 5-8 Jan 2004.
- Seetharaman, P. and Paul, S., Organizational Memory in Group Decision Making: Use of Constructive Group Conflict, in the Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2003, 19-21 June 2003.
- Samarah, I., Paul, I., Mykytyn, P.P. and Seetharaman, P., The collaborative conflict management style and cultural diversity in DGSS supported fuzzy tasks: an experimental investigation in the Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2003., 6-9 Jan 2003, Pages: 40 49.
Research Interests:
- IT & Digital Strategy
- IT Governance
- e-Governance
- Healthcare Systems
- Smart Cities
- Technology Adoption
- Impact of Technology
- Systems thinking and its applications
Books/Book Chapters:
- Seetharaman, P. and Cranefield, J. (ed.) Information Systems: Debates, Applications and Impacts Routledge Taylor and Francis, 2019,
- Seetharaman, P. and Parthiban, R. The Great Reset: Shifting contours of businesses in emerging markets, Background paper for the UNIDO Industrial Development Report 2022: The future of industrialization in a post-pandemic world. Available at:
- Bank of Dastaan: Unlimited Operations Cyberattack (co-authored with Saikat Lahiri)
- Cheeni - A case of Inside-out IT Innovation
- Ashok Leyland: An IT Transition (co-authored with Ambreen Alam Sajjad)
- Selecting a Vendor the case of PHI (co-authored with Prof. Rahul Roy and Ashish Agarwal (PGDM Class of 2011) and Gaurav Pal (PGDM Class of 2011))