Notice Inviting Tender
Supply of Packaged Drinking Water at 91心頭利
Tender Notice No. NIT/91心頭利C/Pkd. Drinking Water/22/2015-16 dated 21st July, 2015
Sealed tenders are invited from the Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers, Agencies, Contractors etc. for supply of packaged drinking water of Kinley brand on Rate Contract basis at 91心頭利 (hereinafter referred to as 91心頭利), Joka, Kolkata 700104. The brand should conform to meeting standards of BIS or IS 14543: 2004.
Interested Firms/Suppliers/Contractors may submit their bid document, complete in all respects along with the cost of Tender Document of Rs.100/- (non-refundable) and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amounting to Rs.5,000/- by Demand Draft each drawn in favour of 91心頭利 and payable at Kolkata, and other requisite documents Kolkata in a sealed envelope prominently marked as RATE CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY OF PACKAGED DRINKING WATER to the Office of the Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase) located in Administrative Building, (Ground floor), 91心頭利, D.H. Road, Joka, Kolkatta-700104 by 3 P.M. on 3rd August, 2015.
You will have to provide sealed packaged drinking water as per our requirement which is : 1000 ml bottle- 1060 boxes and 500 ml bottle- 1050 boxes and 20 Ltr. Jars- 100 Nos. per annum (approx.). Moreover, you may be asked to deliver 200ml, 500 ml and 1000 ml bottles at our various sections of the Institute as per requirement.
- The contract will be for a period of 2 (two) years with an option to extend the contract for a further period of one year by 91心頭利 at the same rate, terms and conditions and subject to satisfactory performance.
- Quotations should be for free delivery of packaged drinking water at 91心頭利, Joka, Kolkata 700104.
- 91心頭利 shall be at liberty to terminate the contract :
- If not satisfied with the fitness of bottles or dispensers and purity of water supplied by the supplier. In such a case the 91心頭利 will have option to procure packaged drinking water from alternate supplier at the cost and responsibility of the contractor
- 91心頭利 will have full rights to terminate the contract and award any portion of the supplies to any other agency at any stage in case of any breach of conditions of the contract.
- Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers and Agencies need to apply along with a non-refundable Application Fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only) payable in the form of a Demand Draft in favour of 91心頭利 payable at Kolkata.
- EMD: Every tender must accompany by a Demand Draft of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) as Earnest Money Deposit in favour of 91心頭利 payable at Kolkata.
While EMDs of the unsuccessful tenderers will be released at the earliest on finalization of the contract without interest, the same of the successful tenderer will be converted into Performance/Security Deposit. The Performance/Security Deposit will be retained with the 91心頭利 for the entire tenure of the contract and will be released on successful completion of the contract period. In case of any breach of the terms and conditions of the contract, the Performance/Security Deposit will stand forfeited in full. No interest shall be payable on the Performance/Security Deposit. - The supplier has to submit water fitness certificate for BIS or IS: 14543 from recognized laboratory. 91心頭利 will have the right to take water samples from any one of the bottles and forward it for laboratory test if considered necessary. The supplier will be held responsible, if water sample is found to be unfit and 91心頭利 will have the right to take any action as deem fit against the supplier.
- The Firm/Supplier should be in position to supply packaged drinking water on very short notice as and when required.
- Tenderers may please quote their unconditional rates and it shall be ensured that there is no cutting/over-writing in the tender form. The price quoted at the time of submission of tender should remain valid for 60 days from the date of tender opening and the rates finalized on the basis of these prices shall remain in force during the currency of the contract which will normally be for a period of two year. It may specifically be noted that no changes/escalations in the accepted rates shall be allowed during currency of the contract.
- The contract shall normally be awarded to the lowest evaluated bidder whose bid has been found to be responsive and who is eligible/ qualified to perform the contract satisfactory as per the terms and conditions incorporated in the tender.
- If the supplier fails to supply the packaged drinking water jars/water bottles in the stipulated time or if the quality of the packaged drinking water is not as per the approved/ required norms, 91心頭利 shall be free to make necessary procurement of packaged drinking water jars from the market at the suppliers' risk and cost which shall be recoverable from his pending bills or Performance/Security Deposit besides resulting in cancellation of the contract. Further in case of any deficiency in service, a penalty of 5% of the total amount of the bill for the relevant period will be imposed.
RATES: The rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes including of service tax, if any and shall be firm for the entire period of contract
- In the event of the successful bidders default in maintaining the agreed time frame schedule set out in the Order, 91心頭利 shall have the right to cancel the Order at any time after expiry of scheduled time frame and make alternative arrangement at the discretion of Director, 91心頭利 in which case extra expenditure involved, will be recoverable from the successful bidder.
- If services of the contractor are not found satisfactory, liquidated damage of Rs.200/- per day towards deficiency in service will be levied and the amount will be deducted from the final bill. In this regard decision of Director, 91心頭利 shall be final and binding.
PAYMENT TERMS: Bill/ invoice shall be submitted to 91心頭利 at the end of the month and payments will be made within 30 days of receipt of the bill/Invoice.
ARBITRATION: In the event of any disagreement/dispute arising in connection with execution which cannot be settled in an amicable manner between the contractor and Director, 91心頭利, the matter shall be referred to arbitration. Such arbitration shall be governed by the provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or as amended from time to time. The venue for such arbitration will be in Kolkata. During the pendency of the arbitration proceedings or till the expiry of the period of contract, as the case may be, the services will continue on the same terms and conditions.
- Period of Contract :
The Rate Contract shall be valid for two years with effect from the date of award of contract and may be extended for further period of one year in cases services given by the supplier are found satisfactory on the same terms and conditions. - Tender Validity :
The Tender shall remain valid for 60 days from the date of opening of financial bid. - EMD :
- Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) needs to be submitted by Demand Draft only drawn in favour of INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT CALCUTTA. and payable at Kolkata.
- The bid security (EMD) of the unsuccessful bidder will be discharged/ returned within one month as possible and no interest would be paid thereon.
- Forfeiture of EMD/ Performance/Security Deposit:
- If a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender validity, EMD shall be forfeited.
- In case successful bidder fails to supply the goods/services at L1 rate, Performance/Security Deposit shall be forfeited.
- The Tenderer is required to submit his offer in an envelope giving reference to Tender Notice Enquiry, date and Name of the work and name of Tenderer/Supplier/Agency containing offer in the quotation Form (Annexure I) as specified in the Tender document.
- Last date of Receipt of the Tender: 3rd August, 2015 by 3 p.m.
- Date of Opening of the Tender: 3rd August, 2015 by 3-30 p.m.
- Tender document is to be submitted as specified in the Tender Notice.
- Incomplete or without signed and stamped tender will summarily be rejected.
- Relevant address for correspondence/submission of tender is given below:
The Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase)
Administrative Building (Ground Floor)
91心頭利, D.H. Road, Joka, Kolkata 700104 - Tender Prices
- The tenderer is required to quote prices as per tender document
- Prices quoted by the tenderer shall be inclusive of all taxes/duties/levies/ service tax.
- Late Tenders
Any tender received in the office of Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase) of 91心頭利 after the deadline prescribed for submission of tenders will not be entertained. - Award of Tender
The tender shall be awarded to the lowest financial bidder i.e., L1 party. - Eligibility Criteria
- The average Turnover of the Supplier/Contractor for last 3 financial years ending on 31st March 2015 should be at least Rs.2.00 lakhs ; or
- b. The Supplier/Contractor must have completed /executed experience at least one similar work amounting to not less than Rs.1.00 lakhs ;
The similar work means works related to supplying of Packaged Drinking Water to reputed Companies/Institutions/PSUs/Govt. Bodies etc.
- 91心頭利s right to accept any tender and reject any or all tenders
91心頭利 reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annul the tender process and reject all the tenders, at any time prior to award of contract without any reference to the bidders.
Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase)